Thursday, May 30, 2013

How much does your history weigh?

Odd thing to realize that all of our worldly possessions need to be whittled down to 1000 pounds of air freight and a 200 dollar a month storage space.  In case that seems like a lot, it's not.  Trust me on this.  We, like most people, have way more stuff than we need/want/realized we had.  Some of it is really hard to part with, some of it I can't believe we've had this long.  There is a mental toll in simply having things.  You have to tidy them, or dust them, or just use energy and time figuring out where to put them and where they are should you actually want to find them again.  Ahh, how much better simply to not have the stuff in the first place.

But then I think of heirlooms and how few of them I really have.  Does that matter?  Do I and my family have a less than rich history because we don't have belongings attached to that history?  Weighty matters folks, weighty matters.  About 1000 pounds worth to be exact.

And I will leave you with this last thought: in Ireland a boot is the trunk of a car and a fanny is not a person's backside, it is "lady parts".  If I misuse the first one, people might be confused.  If I misuse the second, people will be offended.  I'll need to learn this stuff soon.

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